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What is Soul Recovery?

The process of Soul Recovery began with inspiration from the 12 steps of AA and Al-Anon, deeply influenced by Rev. Rachel's personal experiences in those rooms. While the original 9 Steps of Soul Recovery reflect this initial phase, the journey has continued to evolve into a more holistic and encompassing spiritual process. Over the past few years, Rev. Rachel has refined and expanded these steps to align with the concepts and vocabulary she has been practicing and teaching recently.


Soul Recovery now extends beyond being affected in some way by addiction to embrace the full spectrum of the human experience and the desire to remember ones wholeness. Rev. Rachel has integrated insights from 12-step programs, psychology, spirituality, metaphysics, and a wide range of spiritual and religious teachings into this transformative and healing process.


Soul Recovery offers a spiritual path to a happy and healthy life, guiding individuals in transforming their perceptions and letting go of old, unhealthy beliefs and behaviors. These steps are not intended to replace the 12 steps in other programs but to provide an additional level of awareness and understanding of patterns that now longer align in all areas of life.


The emphasis of Soul Recovery is on self-love, acceptance, compassion, and forgiveness - by letting go of control. It involves turning our attention to ourselves, and focusing on our own healing, recognizing our innate wholeness. The belief is that nobody is fundamentally broken but may have lost connection with their Higher Self through life's experiences and pain. Created by Rev. Rachel Harrison, the Soul Recovery steps offer a pathway to relinquishing control, cultivating a connection with and trust in one's Higher Power, releasing old patterns and beliefs, and ultimately claiming a happy and healthy life through spirituality.

'Together we can do the work that will Recover Your Soul.'

Rev. Rachel Harrison

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Soul Recovery Inspirations


This collection of books and audiobooks has been influential to Rev. Rachel and the development of the Soul Recovery process. While these resources offer profound insights and inspiration,

Rev. Rachel emphasizes that everyone’s spiritual journey is unique.

She encourages you to trust your intuition as you explore your own path to healing and transformation. These works are just one part of the abundant wisdom available on the spiritual journey, and we hope they provide support and guidance as you deepen your connection to Spirit and discover your truth.

"Follow your heart, it knows the way."

Rev Rachel

A Course In Miracles

AA Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous

Al-Anon conference approved literature

Be Here Now - Ram Dass

Codependent No More - Melody Beattie

Crossing the Threshold from Love to Fear- Paul Ferrini

Discover the Power Within You - Eric Butterworth

Don't Bite the Hook - Pema Chrodron

How Al-Anon Works for Family and Friends of Alcoholics​

I love books by Brene Brown

I love books by Eckhart Tolle

I love books by Thich Nhat Hanh

I love books by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Let Go Now- karen Casey

Radical Compassion - Tara Brach

Radical Forgiveness - Colin Tipping

Recovery- The Sacred Art- Rami Shapiro

Studies of Metaphysics -Dr. Leon Masters 

The Art of Happiness - His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The Bible

The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz

The Four Insights- Alberto Villooldo 

The Language of Letting Go- Medody Beattie

The Law of Attraction - Abraham Hicks

The Magic of Surrender - Kute Blackson

The Untethered Soul - Michael A Singer

The Way of Mastery

Unity Teachings - Charles and Myrtle Fillmore

Books & Audiobooks

NEW 9 steps of Soul Recovery

The NEW 9 Step Soul Recovery Process 

As I have journeyed through the Soul Recovery process in my own life and had the honor

of coaching hundreds of courageous souls over the past few years, I am excited to introduce an updated version of the 9 Steps of Soul Recovery (July 2024).

These steps represent a transformative process of spiritual evolution and healing, designed to gently guide you towards a more aligned and authentic way of being as you confront and heal past wounds, beliefs and patterns, connect to a Higher Power, and open to living from your authentic and whole self. A Spiritual Path to a Happy and Healthy Life.

Listen to the Episode walking you through the New Process. 

  1. Ready for Awakening

    • Recognize Suffering: Become aware that your dissatisfaction and suffering is caused by your current perceptions, beliefs, patterns and stories.

    • Acknowledge the Need for Change: Understand that this awareness is the first step towards awakening and transformation.

  2. Release Control

    • Identify Attachments: Recognize that your pain and suffering comes from your attachment to control and the illusion of power over external circumstances.

    • Embrace Powerlessness: Accept that you are powerless over everything outside yourself and that true strength and peace comes from within.

  3. Discover Unhealthy Patterns, Beliefs and Stories

    • Examine Patterns, Beliefs and Stories: Identify and acknowledge the unhealthy patterns, beliefs, and stories that have shaped your life and behavior.

    • Recognize Their Impact: Understand how these patterns have contributed to your current state of suffering.

  4. Open to Co-Creating with a Higher Power

    • Explore What Higher Power is for you: Explore your personal relationship with Source, Spirit, God, Higher Consciousness, Higher Power, Light.

    • Connect with Your Higher Power: Begin to co-create your life with the Higher Power of your understanding, choosing the light and your authentic self.

  5. Release Old Patterns that No Longer Serve You

    • Cultivate Awareness and Insight: Use your growing awareness to gain insights into your old patterns and beliefs, and what you have learned from them.

    • Practice Compassion and Forgiveness: Release these patterns through awareness, compassion and forgiveness, both towards yourself and others.

  6. Embrace New Beliefs and Rewrite Your Story

    • Update Your Mindset: Step into new beliefs and patterns that align with your Higher Self and updated perceptions.

    • Recognize Your Gifts: Acknowledge your unique gifts, assets and strengths as you rewrite your personal story.

  7. Align with a New Perception

    • Shift Your Perception: Align with a new, healthier perception of yourself and the world around you.

    • Choose Your Reality: Make conscious choices on how you see and interact with the world from the standpoint of your Higher Self.

  8. Deepen Your Spiritual Practice

    • Spiritual Practice: Engage in regular spiritual practices to continue shedding old stories and beliefs, living in the present moment.

    • Commit to Your Higher Self: Dedicate yourself to living from your Higher Self, making choices that reflect your Soul Recovery journey.

  9. Shine Your Light

    • Live Authentically: Live without control or judgment, embracing your True Self, accepting the world as it is.

    • Inspire Others: Shine your light to the world around you, becoming an inspiration and beacon for others on their own spiritual journey and Soul Recovery.

Original 9 Steps of Soul Recovery

The original 9 Steps of Soul Recovery were inspired by the transformative power of the 12 Steps I experienced in Al-Anon and AA. These steps were not meant to replace the 12 Steps but to complement them, often used alongside these programs to deepen your spiritual awakening.

I am deeply grateful for these steps and how they have worked in my life and supported the Soul Recovery community over the years. They may still be a valuable resource to use on your spiritual path. 

As always, take what you need and leave the rest. 

1. Admitted we are powerless over everything outside of

ourselves. Recognizing our pain and suffering comes from

our desire to control people, places and circumstances.

2. Open to the awareness of a power greater than ourselves

who can offer healing and sanity in our lives.

3. Become willing to turn our lives over to the care and

direction of a Higher Power of our understanding, trusting

the unfolding of our lives to this loving source.

4. Gently witness and review our past pain, fears, resentments

and grievances with compassion and self reflection taking

responsibility for our part of the story.

5. Release the past through the experience of sharing with

complete honesty with ourselves, our Higher Power and a

trusted witness to recognize what we believed about

ourselves and others in our lives.

6. Recognize our patterns, shortcomings, defense

mechanisms, character traits, and beliefs that have kept us

from being our fullest and healthiest Self.

7. Release all that no longer serves us and realign with our

fullest Self and claiming healthy belief systems.

8. With empathy and compassion for ourselves and others

become willing to forgive completely, clearing the way to

healing ourselves and our relationships.

9. Choose to live a spiritual life each day with integrity, honesty,

and love for ourselves and all those we come in contact with

in all aspects of our life. Surrendering our will through prayer

and meditation to the care of a Higher Power of our

understanding, and choosing to be a light in the world.

The Recovery Your Soul podcast and content is for educational purposes only and is not allied or representative of any organizations or religions, but is based on the opinions and experience of Rev. Rachel Harrison. Recover Your Soul claims no responsibility to any person or entity for any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application, or interpretation of the information presented herein.

Take what you need and leave the rest.

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